AAAA+ 24K Blonde Hash

AAAA+ 24K Blonde Hash



24K Blonde Hash is known for its exceptional quality. It has a delightful texture and a subtly spiced aroma. Users can expect to feel both relaxed and energized when enjoying their 24K Blonde Hash high.


This 24K Blonde Hash, a delectable treat originating from Canada, has earned the reputation of being one of Canada’s finest hashes and is selling like hotcakes! Over 80% of hash enthusiasts who have tried our 24K Blonde Hash have returned for more and made additional purchases. You too can enjoy this extraordinary flavour with just a few clicks on our website – get your hands on some 24K Blonde Hash now before it’s gone!


62.95% THC 2.30% CBD


Earn up to 4,100 Goldbucks.

Earn up to 4,100 Goldbucks.

24K Blonde Hash is known for its exceptional quality. It has a delightful texture and a subtly spiced aroma. Users can expect to feel both relaxed and energized when enjoying their 24K Blonde Hash high.


This 24K Blonde Hash, a delectable treat originating from Canada, has earned the reputation of being one of Canada’s finest hashes and is selling like hotcakes! Over 80% of hash enthusiasts who have tried our 24K Blonde Hash have returned for more and made additional purchases. You too can enjoy this extraordinary flavour with just a few clicks on our website – get your hands on some 24K Blonde Hash now before it’s gone!


62.95% THC 2.30% CBD

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  • Reviews (3)

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7g, 14g, 28g, 1/4 Pound, 1/2 Pound, 1 Pound

3 reviews for "AAAA+ 24K Blonde Hash"

  1. Vince:

    Truly top notch hash best quality I’ve had, burns clean strong nice scent very easy to work with

  2. Connor:

    Second favourite hash yet! Very potent yet smooth at the same time.

  3. Lee:


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