Black Gold Hash

Black Gold Hash



Discover the essence of Afghan tradition with Black Gold Hash, a time-honoured classic celebrated for its rich heritage and outstanding quality. Traditionally crafted in the heartland of Afghanistan, this hashish reflects centuries of artisanal expertise. Black Gold Hash embodies the spirit of Afghan cannabis culture. Cultivated from small, bushy indica plants native to the region, each batch showcases the unique traits of a short and stout kush variety. Immerse yourself in the legacy of afghan hashish production with Black Gold Hash, where tradition meets excellence in every sublime puff.


45.75% THC 0.40% CBD


Earn up to 1,750 Goldbucks.

Earn up to 1,750 Goldbucks.

Discover the essence of Afghan tradition with Black Gold Hash, a time-honoured classic celebrated for its rich heritage and outstanding quality. Traditionally crafted in the heartland of Afghanistan, this hashish reflects centuries of artisanal expertise. Black Gold Hash embodies the spirit of Afghan cannabis culture. Cultivated from small, bushy indica plants native to the region, each batch showcases the unique traits of a short and stout kush variety. Immerse yourself in the legacy of afghan hashish production with Black Gold Hash, where tradition meets excellence in every sublime puff.


45.75% THC 0.40% CBD

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7g, 14g, 28g, 1/4 Pound, 1/2 Pound, 1 Pound

2 reviews for "Black Gold Hash"

  1. Richard:

    Great service and product is always fresh. Cheapest place to buy thanks guys

  2. Jesse:

    Great tasting and smelling hash! Relaxing and euphoric effects.

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