Melmac Magic Mushrooms

Melmac Magic Mushrooms


Melmac Mushroom’s are renowned for their potent psychoactive properties, offering a unique mix of cerebral and sensory experiences. Users often report increased creativity, deep introspection, and altered perceptions of time and space. This strain’s strength results from careful breeding and selection, ensuring a consistent psychedelic experience. Its effects typically start within a predictable timeframe, allowing users to tailor their experience according to their preferences and tolerance levels.


Recommended for experienced users only.


Earn up to 160 Goldbucks.

Earn up to 160 Goldbucks.

Melmac Mushroom’s are renowned for their potent psychoactive properties, offering a unique mix of cerebral and sensory experiences. Users often report increased creativity, deep introspection, and altered perceptions of time and space. This strain’s strength results from careful breeding and selection, ensuring a consistent psychedelic experience. Its effects typically start within a predictable timeframe, allowing users to tailor their experience according to their preferences and tolerance levels.


Recommended for experienced users only.

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Micro dose (0.2 – 0.5g dried mushroom) With this very low dosage, you’ll be microdosing. No visuals, no visible changes, no loss of control. This is ideal if you’re interested in a subtle energy and creativity boost, given by an organic product.
Light dose (0.5 – 1.0g dried mushroom) Want to feel a little more than a subtle boost? With a mid-low dosage you’ll gently float on the clouds. Great for a party, Friday night hang-out with friends and creative processes.
Common dose (1.0 – 2.0g dried mushroom) You’re ready to open yourself up to a psychedelic experience. But! You want to be careful. Beginner’s paradise might the right place for you. Expect a body high, deep conversations, laughing mood and good vibes. Make sure you’re in the right environment, with the right people and you’ll have a friendly introduction to psychedelics.
Strong dose (2.5 – 5g dried mushroom) This is it! The classic psychedelic trip you’ve been hearing about. Sometimes it feels like a whirlwind. Other times, you will have a lot more control during your trip. During a psychedelic trip you will feel, think, and perceive new things. Whatever insights you might have encountered on your psilocybin mushroom trip, keep them in mind and take them with you.
Heavy dose (5.0g or more) Some people are experienced in the magical world of psychedelics. They’ve reached a level where the classic trip is familiar. They might want to experiment with an higher dosage. There are stories about ego-death, connecting with the universe and experiencing a very intense high. Whatever you do, don’t use a high dosage to escape. Use it as an addition to your life. Talk with experienced psychonauts and make sure you’re in a good mental space when you decide to fly with the stars.

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7g, 14g, 28g

4 reviews for "Melmac Magic Mushrooms"

  1. Anonymous:

    These absolutely disguuuuusting but very powerful

  2. Kyle:

    The taste is as usual. Strong effects, even when microdosing. I use these in 2 days on, 2 days off micro. Occasionally on the weekend if the setting is right, maybe a 1 or 2g dose. Love the effects of this strain, the strongest and best feelings were with this brand. Recommend.

  3. Anonymous:

    The melmac blew my mind lmao. If you wanna trip hard jus eat 3.5 grams of these on an empty stomach. Gaurunteed space flight 100.

  4. Brandon:

    You don’t need very much of these! I may have eaten 2.5 grams and laughed so hard I cried 3 times and had really good visuals. Definetly not recommended for a first times user unless the dose is low. Fantastic buzz, very hard to sleep after your buzz is gone would be the only downside.

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